Made from renewable resources that are biodegradable, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. They smell stronger, burn cleaner and last 50% longer than regular candles. Shop Soy Wax Candles, Soy Wax Melts and more now by Seventh Avenue Apothecary

Why Custom Corporate Branded Candles Are Perfect For Your Company

Why Custom Corporate Branded Candles Are Perfect For Your Company

Corporate branding is an important part of distinguishing a product or organization from its opponents. Therefore, having your brand recognized in the eyes of consumers is crucial for success. Corporate branded candles are a unique way to display your brand. A label is designed using your company’s logo and neatly placed on the candle of your choosing. Corporate branded candles are a unique way to feature a logo and help a company become better known. For account-based marketing, giving a client his or her own personal candle is an excellent source of corporate branding. Giving away promotional products is an important technique to keep your name in front of clients and prospects. Clients will be grateful for the addition of a useful gift. They may be display it in either their home or office at work. This type of corporate branding is useful when the candle is displayed because it will increase brand recognition. It is a unique and relatively cheap way to market and advertise your company. Social marketing is also being utilized with custom corporate branded candles. The candle may be noticed and someone may inquire as to what the company is, therefore becoming a conversation starter. The use of promotional products is known to increase conversion rates from prospects to clients. Corporate branding products and using them at trade shows can greatly strengthen the traffic to your stand. According to marketing research, consumers are more inclined to change brands in order to receive a free promotional gift. Using custom corporate branded candles creates a lasting impression in the minds of customers. It is recommended to use soy wax candles. They burn up to 50 percent longer than traditional candles. This means that the client will have the candle for longer. Therefore, the appearance of the logo will enrich their mind for a longer period of time. It will also be displayed longer for others to see.

Where Can I find Corporate Branded Candles?

If you are interested in custom corporate branded soy wax candles for your company to share with your clients and/or employees, pay a visit to Seventh Avenue Apothecary or explore our online store!
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